What is BPD and Emotion Dysregulation?
Family Connections™ Program
Family Connections™ is a free course that provides education, skills training, and support for people who are supporting a sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)/Chronic Emotion Dysregulation (CED) or BPD/ED traits.
Due to our overwhelming wait list for Family Connections™ we are offering a webinar series to educate and provide skills to those struggling with a loved one who has characteristics of BPD and/or Chronic Emotion Dysregulation (CED).
Media Library
NEABPD maintains an extensive library of audio and video resources. By sharing reliable, current information from leading research professionals, we hope to provide you with tools to enhance the education, treatment, and quality of life of those affected by this disorder.
Our Invitation
Welcome to the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder website
We invite you to look at the wealth of information on the site and also to explore our Media Library, an international resource of audio and video postings. We thank the many hundreds of presenters who gave of their time to make this the largest global media library on borderline personality disorder. All resources are available for you at no cost.
Please share your thoughts, suggestions and comments on the site with us. Donations to support our effort are greatly appreciated!
Donate and help us help others!
NEABPD warmly thanks you for your contributions on behalf of all those whose lives have been changed through the Family Connections™ Educational Programs.