LISTEN NOW and BLOG TO JOIN THE DISCUSSION!: Listen to the first three call recordings. Email to register. Subject: Connecting the Dots. Message: Name and phone number. Also, share your thoughts and questions on the calls. Click the play button to...
Borderline What? On May 11, 2012, for BPD awareness month, in collaboration with Blaise Aguirre from McLean Hospital, CAMH and NEABPD, the parents of Sasha Courey Menu, a young gilr who committed suicide last June 16th, launched their School Talks on BPDin Canada. ...
Grant awarded to support Family Connections Leader Training in the State of New York. Award to start July 1st. Target community is the families of suicide attempters. Details to follow....
Share your thoughts on the neabpd Facebook page or send an email to and tell us what you think of the name and why. Also, alternative ideas?...
Details and video to follow Cherly Kempinsky Ph.D. and Donna Shields, MSW interview Congresswoman Napolitano. Action initatives from the meeting will also be posted....
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