The Experience of Receiving the Diagnosis of BPD

“It is important to appreciate that once in hell, it is possible to climb out of it. -Marsha Linehan” The next blogs of pearls from Beyond Borderline: True Stories of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder, edited by John Gunderson and Perry Hoffman, asks those...

The Experience of Borderline Personality Disorder 2

“It is important to appreciate that once in hell, it is possible to climb out of it. -Marsha Linehan” What is it like to be a borderline?   Lonely. Deep-space lonely, even when in a crowd. I want friends. I want someone to understand me. I want that bond that...

Pearls from Beyond Borderline

“It is important to appreciate that once in hell, it is possible to climb out of it. -Marsha Linehan” Our DBT Skills Groups often end with each member sharing a pearl from that session. These pearls are new insights, shared wisdom, improved skills, renewed commitment...