Participating involves completing online questionnaires about a variety of experiences you may have had with caregiving. If you are interested, please view the attached flyer for more details, and to see whether you eligible to participate. The survey will close on...
“It is important to appreciate that once in hell, it is possible to climb out of it. -Marsha Linehan” The next blogs of pearls from Beyond Borderline: True Stories of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder, edited by John Gunderson and Perry Hoffman, asks those...
“It is important to appreciate that once in hell, it is possible to climb out of it. -Marsha Linehan” What is it like to be a borderline? Lonely. Deep-space lonely, even when in a crowd. I want friends. I want someone to understand me. I want that bond that...
“It is important to appreciate that once in hell, it is possible to climb out of it. -Marsha Linehan” Our DBT Skills Groups often end with each member sharing a pearl from that session. These pearls are new insights, shared wisdom, improved skills, renewed commitment...
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