Overcoming the Emotional Takeover

In thinking about classic BPD symptoms like emotion dysregulation, I felt it might be a good time to once again touch on a tool that was crucial to my teen years and early 20s, crisis after crisis. The DBT TIPP skills are tried and true in-the-moment de-escalation...

Living the Symptoms: Part III: My Tools for My Symptoms

It is difficult to learn new skills and very difficult to actually put them into practice when you have chronic and severe emotion dysregulation. It takes a courageous and “I’ll never give up” attitude. When I realized the chaos and pain could actually lessen for me...

Living the Symptoms: Part II: Two Categories of Strategies

Once I was diagnosed, the first thing I had to do was accept that, as a person with BPD or chronic and severe emotion dysregulation, my symptoms are going to cause me to feel intense emotional pain. My brain is built that way and I don’t know how to stop my brain or...

Living The Symptoms, Part I: How I Experience My Symptoms

Trigger Warning: the following blog contains material which could be experienced as triggering difficult and painful thoughts and feelings. Please read with caution and consult with a professional clinician as needed. You’ve heard of the nine symptoms and know that,...