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9th Annual Yale NEABPD Conference 

                           Borderline Personality Disorder and Managing Related Cognitive Challenges:

                                                 Dissociation, Psychosis, and Intellectual Impairments


                                Bessel van der Kolk, MD

                                and Julie Brown, LICSW

Friday, May 10, 2013

8:30 AM – 4:45 PM

Mary S. Harkness Auditorium

Sterling Hall of Medicine

333 Cedar Street,New Haven,CT06519



  • YaleUniversitySchoolof Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
  • National EducationAlliancefor Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Yale-NewHavenPsychiatric Hospital
  • YaleStressCenter


  • Clearview Treatment Programs
  • SilverHillHospital


Our Conference is aimed at mental health professionals, training clinicians, researchers, as well as consumers and their family members.

*American Sign Language interpretation will be available for the hearing impaired*


8:00 am   Registration and Coffee

8:30 am   Welcome—Seth R. Axelrod, PhD and Perry D. Hoffman, PhD

Opening remarks—Rajita Sinha, PhD

8:45 am   Overview of BPD-related cognitive-perceptual difficulties and challenges in diagnosis and treatment—Gabriela Balf, MD,MPH

9:30 am   Neuropsychological Deficits in Borderline Personality Disorder and their Implications for Treatment—Anthony C. Ruocco, PhD

10:30 am Break

10:45 amIs Diagnosis Destiny?—Annita Sawyer, PhD

11:30 am Family perspectives and advocacy

12:00 pm Lunch on Your Own

1:00 pm   Childhood Trauma, Affect Regulation and Borderline Personality Disorder—Bessel van der Kolk, MD

2:30 pm   Break

2:45 pm   Introduction to The Skills System: An Emotion Regulation Skills Curriculum for All Learning Abilities—Julie F. Brown, LICSW

4:15 pm   Panel Discussion

4:45 pm   Closing Remarks and Adjourn



This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers

Connecticutfor 6.5 Continuing Education Contact Hours.

This activity has been submitted to the Connecticut Nurses’ Association for  approval to award 6.5 contact hours. The Connecticut Nurses’ Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by theAmericanNursesCredentialingCenter’s Commission on Accreditation.



Seth R. Axelrod, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Yale UniversitySchoolof Medicine

Perry D. Hoffman, PhD, President

National EducationAlliancefor Borderline Personality Disorder



Emily B. Ansell, PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry,YaleUniversitySchoolof Medicine

Suzanne Decker, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow, VISN1 Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC),
Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine

Francheska Perepletchikova, PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry

WeillCornellMedicalCollege, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division

Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,YaleUniversitySchoolof Medicine

Jacquelyn N. Smith, LCSW
Creedmore Psychiatric Center

Keri Tuit, PsyD

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Lecturer in Psychology

YaleUniversitySchoolof Medicine

Patricia Woodward,MAT

Secretary and Treasurer, National EducationAlliancefor Borderline Personality Disorder


Joan Cricca, Department of Psychiatry

Rachel Hart, MS, LACD

Julie Pinto, BPsych




·    Early Bird by April 12   $110

·    Regular Registration     $125

Family Member                     $50

Mental Health Consumer    $25

Mental Health Trainee         $50

*For groups of four or more please email

*Yale and Yale-NewHavenHospitaltrainees please contact Dr. Francheska Perepletchikova at


For registration and further information go to  or see our conference brochure


