… Chairmen Representatives John Katko and Don Beyer, under the auspices of the Mental Health Caucus Co chaired by Congresswoman Grace Napolitano and Rep. Katko.
In honor of both May Mental Health Awareness Month and the 10th Year of May as Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month (HR1005), the Briefing will serve as an opportunity for discussion to identify action items on the crucial role of families in the effort of suicide prevention.
Speakers at the Briefing are
Christine Moutier, MD. Medical Director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP),
Colleen Creighton, Executive Director of the American Association for Suicidology (AAS),
Preston Thompson, CEO Behavioral Tech and The Linehan Institute,
Richard McKeon, Chief for the Suicide Prevention Branch in the Center for Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and
the Suicide Task Force of NEABPD, Perry Hoffman,Ph.D., Silvia Gilotti, Ph.D. and Beth McCrave, MS