Sunday evenings 8pm EST. Register at with name, address, email and phone number during the call. For full schedule.
Save the Date: 1st call-in May 18th with Dr Melanie Harned, an expert on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Marsha Linehan’s clinic. Download the full schedule here.
Registration for these free-of-charge sessions is at:
18-May Melanie Harned
Integrating Treatment for PTSD into Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
1-June Jill Rathus
Adapting DBT for Adolescents with Emotion Dysregulation
8-June Nancee Blum
Taking STEPPS* to Address Borderline Personality Disorder” (*Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving)
22-June Emily Ansell & Nicole Cain
Impulse Control and BPD
29-June Michael Hollander
Understanding and Resolving Self-Injury
13-July Shauna Dowden
Similarities and Difference between DBT & MBT
20-July Julie Brown Emotion
Regulation Skills for Individuals with Learning Challenges
27-July Carla Sharp
Hypermentalizing in BPD: A model and some data
3-August Steven Southwick
24-August Alex Chapman
Understanding Emotional Dysregulation in BPD
31-August Francheska Perepletchikova
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for pre-adolescent children: Issues and challenges in adaptation and implementation
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