The Me I See on Screen

As a kid, struggling to authentically connect with people and the world around me, I took refuge in the characters on my TV screen. I joined the universe I was meant to be a mere observer of and was able to feel whole and completely present for a time in my otherwise...

I Have Darker Days

Warning: The following contains mentions of suicidal thoughts that may be triggering to some audiences.   I originally titled this post the first thing that popped into my head, “I’ve Had Darker Days.” It was something catchy I’ve heard before, a placeholder...

BTS (Back to School)

I recently had a friend of mine from a queer autistic support group ask me for advice on starting graduate school. I felt the takeaways from our conversation might be relevant to folks here. This is me elaborating on a few things I’d said: 1. As neurodivergent* human...

Prospection and Transition

I just got engaged and graduated from school. I’m about to move and start a new job. These are good things. Why are they so hard? First of all, transitions are difficult because they are laborious. You have to find a new way of doing things that works for you. I have...

The Way From Inside to Not-Quite-Out

I have never felt more at risk than during the first few hours, days, and weeks, after a stay in inpatient lockdown. As an autistic person with BPD, all transitions are hard. I’m talking,...