May 17 – The Importance of Structure

Good morning everyone. So, what are you learning about what you need during this time of stay at home orders and social distancing? For me, I’m appreciating the importance of putting some structure in my day. You know, here in Texas, life was one way on Friday and...

May 16 – Paying Attention to Vulnerability Factors

When you need to have a potentially difficult conversation with someone, DEAR MAN can be a guide. Here’s a brief explanation. Imagine that someone has borrowed money from you and hasn’t repaid or mentioned the loan. You need the money. How you talk with...

May 15 – DEAR MAN

Download Infograph When you need to have a potentially difficult conversation with someone, DEAR MAN can be a guide. Here’s a brief explanation. Imagine that someone has borrowed money from you and hasn’t repaid or mentioned the loan. You need the money....

May 14 – Self Respect In Relationships

Stay at home orders may mean you find yourself spending more time with family members than is routine. This can be an opportunity to build closeness and an opportunity to use your interpersonal skills! In DBT, there are three basic goals in interpersonal interactions....

May 13 – Friendship

You’ll find stories about best friends everywhere–movies, books, cartoons and more. Best friend relationships can start very early on, even in pre-school or on toddler play dates. It’s a special relationship when we make a connection with someone you...