Creating pleasurable experiences is part of regulating your emotions. It’s a DBT skill that can be overlooked. Being mindful of opportunities for joy is part of feeling joy. You may be passing up times that could add joy and meaning to your life. These...
Finding balance between priorities (what’s important to you) and demands (what’s important to others) is a skill addressed in DBT. Do you have too many priorities or not enough? Too many demands or not enough? There may be many reasons for being too busy....
In DBT, “Build Mastery” means to do things that are a bit difficult in order to build your sense of competence and achievement. When you were younger, you had a natural sense of mastery. You pushed to learn to walk, talk, run, and do things older children could do....
Part of becoming mindful is the ability to know when you are in emotion mind, reasonable mind and wise mind. Emotion mind is particularly difficult. When you’re in emotion mind, it’s easy to snap at others, “I am not upset,” or “I am not...
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