Being kind to yourself is part of being compassionate. Another way to practice self-compassion is to comfort yourself physically and with compassionate words. Dr. Kristin Neff emphasizes the use of physical gestures and compassionate words. This information is from...
We’ve all made mistakes, hurt others’ feelings, pushed ahead to get what we wanted without thinking of how it affected others and been careless at times. We’ve all gossiped and said hurtful words to others. When you make a mistake, how do you react...
One of the basic ideas in Family Connections, the NEA BPD program for families of those who suffer from emotion dysregulation, is to make the most benign interpretation possible of a situation or someone’s intentions. Remember that idea from your class? Benign...
During times of stress, our ability to cope in positive ways is not at its best. We tend to put on our armor and be defensive. One of the ways we do that is by blaming. It must be someone’s fault that this is happening, whatever this is. Do you blame others when...
When we feel threatened, our sympathetic nervous system turns on and we are in flight or fight mode. It’s a normal response which helps us survive. Years and years and years ago, when the threat was a saber-tooth tiger, this response served us well. We could...
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