Our Experience with Substance Abuse Support Groups

What are the benefits of sharing your story about substance misuse with others? Saadia: You get to shake off the shame that comes from thinking that you are the only one to struggle with something. I like the saying: “You’re as sick as your secrets.” You will be...

Drunk Goggles

Warning: The following contains mentions of alcohol that may be triggering to some audiences. When I took drivers’ ed, we passed around a pair of “drunk goggles” that supposedly simulated the effect of alcohol on perception. The blurry, kaleidoscope-y visual sent a...

How It’s Going

We asked our Lived Experience Committee members: What has been most helpful in your recovery? Here’s what they said: After a DBT skills training group, I took Mental Health First Aid training because I am a peer supporter by nature. Eventually, I did the Wellness...

How It Started

The journey of discovering and managing borderline personality disorder (BPD) has to start somewhere. NEABPD’s Lived Experience Committee is excited to draw on the insight of individuals with BPD and share experiences. Here’s how some of those Committee Members...