Photo: We are delighted to introduce Maria-Paule De Valdivia and her presentation "Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case for Hope."

I had the honor of being invited to speak about BPD, DBT and my family’s experience this past weekend, at the Annual Conference of the Southwestern Pennsylvanis NAMI Affiliate. How progressive of this group of wonderful people, to feature BPD on their program!

And indeed, how positive in its outcome: many from the audience of about 300 consumers and family members representing many different diagnoses, came up to me afterwards and expressed appreciation and surprise: many had thought of BPD quite differently, and didn’t realize 1) how painful the illness is, and 2) how effective the treatment can be. Also, family members with a relative who struggles with severe emotional dysregulation expressed much hope and great desire to learn how to help their loved one.

To those of you I have met in my Family Connections and TeleConnections classes, please know that I was carrying your stories of pain and love in my heart as I was up on this stage!

To all: what can you do to break down the stigma in YOUR area? Can NEABPD  help?
