Free NEABPD Call-In Series

*Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder Perspectives  co-sponsorded by the Gunderson Residence Winter 2012 Call-In Series  Sundays 8pm to 9pm EST. Sign up to be on the call.  Fourth call for Winter Series January 29nd with Dr. Shari Manning. Loving Someone with...

Meet and Greet New York, October 21, 2011

Drs. John Oldham, Herb Pardes, Michael Hogan and Benita Shobe VIDEOS from the Meet and Greet the Experts October 21st, 2011 Watch the presentations by Drs Herbert Pardes, Commissioner Michael Hogan, John Oldham, Bruce Cuthbert and Barbara Stanley  and Amanda...

LA Meet and Greet Video

Watch the video from the Los Angeles “Meet and Greet” on the  lot of Seinfeld Studios in honor of BPD Awareness Month. ...