Self-Respect in Relationships

In DBT, there are three basic goals in interpersonal interactions. One goal is getting an objective met (Objectives Effectiveness), one is maintaining a relationship (Relationship Effectiveness) and another is maintaining your self-respect (Self-Respect...

Maintaining Your Self-Respect

Values are often an important part of close relationships. Having a conflict in values can sometimes even make the relationship one that cannot work. Yet values may not be something that you pay attention to. There are different ways that a mismatch or a conflict in...

Joy of Being Curious

Sometimes we encounter situations that make us uncomfortable. We may be a bit anxious or a fearful. Unknown and novel situations can do that. Maybe it happens when you are at an event where you don’t know anyone or maybe when you are starting a new job. It could...

Coping Strategies

There’s been a lot of stress for everyone in the past year. During stressful times, it’s particularly important to soothe yourself and take care of your emotional health. GratitudeRight now, what are you grateful for?  Practicing gratitude helps us...

Wise Mind Accepts: A is for Activities

Distraction is a skill to use when you can’t change a situation. If you stay focused on what is upsetting you (like the Corona Virus) it won’t be helpful and can be overwhelming and depressing. Keeping up with the updates is important, but you also need a...

What Makes for a Successful Family?

Psychologists like to study everything!  Often they study what’s going wrong but sometimes they study what’s going right. What does the research show about successful families? They’ve identified some characteristics that could be helpful in...