Stay at home orders may mean you find yourself spending more time with family members than is routine. This can be an opportunity to build closeness and an opportunity to use your interpersonal skills! In DBT, there are three basic goals in interpersonal interactions....
You’ll find stories about best friends everywhere–movies, books, cartoons and more. Best friend relationships can start very early on, even in pre-school or on toddler play dates. It’s a special relationship when we make a connection with someone you...
With life slowing down and, well, being in close quarters, there are a lot of adjustments. You have a normal way of living and your routines work for you. Suddenly in the pandemic period, your way of life may be turned upside down. So what are your values during this...
You know those days that are so difficult? You wake up in the morning and don’t want to talk with anyone. You don’t answer the phone. You don’t have any food, don’t feel like going to the grocery store, so you don’t go. You just can’t make yourself. You don’t feel...
Crisis survival skills are skills for tolerating and surviving a crisis situation. You use them when a crisis cannot be avoided. The basic idea is to get through crisis situations without adding to the problems in your life, even though your emotions are clouding your...
Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, a concern and consideration for others. It is regarded as a virtue, and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions. When we are stressed, we can come together and practice...
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