Impulsivity, Aggression, and Legal Involvement
Friday, May 4, 2012 8:30 AM – 4:45 PM
Mary S. Harkness Auditorium
Sterling Hall of Medicine
333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06519
Additional conference information can be found at
Click the links below to view the videos from the conference.
[wptabs type=”accordion”]
[wptabtitle]Welcome – Seth R. Axelrod, PhD, Perry D. Hoffman, PhD, Steve Merz, YNH Vice President and Ezra Griffith, MD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Hostility, Impulsivity, and Social Processes in BPD – Emily B. Ansell, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Q&A – Emily B. Ansell, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Neurobiology of Impulsive Aggression in BPD – Antonia S. New, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Toward a Feminist Phenomenology of BPD – Merri Lisa Johnson, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]The Importance of DBT Skills for Families – Merri Lisa Johnson, PhD and Marie-Paule de Valdivia, MBA[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Mindfulness & Modification Therapy: Yes, mindfulness CAN reduce impulsivity and aggression – Peggilee Wupperman, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Psychopharmacology of Impulsivity and Aggression: Creating Space for Treatment – Haleh Ghanizadeh, MD, MPH[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Brief DBT Skills Training in Forensic Settings – Andre Ivanoff, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]DBT-Correction Modified and START NOW – Robert L. Trestman MD, PhD[/wptabtitle]
[wptabtitle]Panel Discussion[/wptabtitle]
Yale University School Of Medicine Department of Psychiatry
National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital
Gunderson Residence of McLean Hospital
Silver Hill Hospital
Clearview Treatment Programs
Conference Program
Time | Title | Presenter |
8:00am | Registration and Coffee | |
8:30am | Welcome and Opening Remarks | Seth R. Axelrod, PhD; Perry D. Hoffman, PhD; Steve Merz, YNH Vice President and Ezra Griffith, MD |
8:45am | Hostility, Impulsivity, and Social Processes in BPD | Emily B. Ansell, PhD |
9:45am | Neurobiology of Impulsive Aggression in BPD | Antonia S. New, MD |
10:45am | Break | |
11:00am | Toward a Feminist Phenomenology of BPD | Merri Lisa Johnson, PhD |
11:30am | The Importance of DBT Skills for Families | Marie-Paule de Valdivia, MBA |
12:00pm | Lunch on your own | |
1:00pm | Psychopharmacology of Impulsivity and Aggression: Creating Space for Treatment | Haleh Ghanizadeh, MD, MPH |
2:00pm | Brief DBT Skills Training in Forensic Settings | Andre Ivanoff, PhD |
3:00pm | Break | |
3:15pm | DBT-Correction Modified and START NOW | Robert L. Trestman MD, PhD |
4:15pm | Panel Discussion | |
4:45pm | Closing Remarks and Adjourn |
Faculty Presenters
Marie-Paule de Valdivia, MBA Board Member and Family Connections/Teleconnections Facilitator NEABPD
Haleh Ghanizadeh, MD, MPH Private Practice, Ridgefield, CT, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Trainer, Behavioral Tech, LLC
André Ivanoff, PhD Associate Professor of Social Work, Columbia University, Scholarly Affiliate, Washington State Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration
Merri Lisa Johnson, PhD Director and Associate Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies, University of South Carolina Upstate
Antonia S. New, MD Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Associate Director, Suicide Research, VISN3, Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC)
Robert L. Trestman PhD, MD Professor of Medicine, Psychiatry and Nursing and Director of the Division of Health Policy and Legislative Outreach, University of Connecticut, Executive Director, Correctional Managed Health Care and Interim Division Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center
Conference Directors
Seth R. Axelrod, PhD Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, Dialectical Behavior Team Leader, Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital
Perry D. Hoffman, PhD President, National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder (NEABPD)
Conference Coordinators
Emily B. Ansell, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
Nicole Cain, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Long Island University – Brooklyn
Suzanne Decker PhD MIRECC Postdoc, VAMC West Haven, Yale University School of Medicine
Francheska Perepletchikova, PhD Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
Keri Tuit, PsyD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Lecturer in Psychology, Yale University School of Medicine
Patricia Woodward, MAT NEABPD Secretary and Treasurer
Conference Staff
Joan Cricca
Rachel Hart, MS, LACD
Julie Hansen, BPsych Yale University School of Medicine
Course Description
Our Conference is aimed at mental health professionals, training clinicians, researchers, forensic professionals, as well as consumers and their family members. Presentations are designed to make cutting edge research and practice accessible to both professionals and lay audience members, and ample time is provided for questions from the audience throughout the conference day. This conference will provide a forum for professionals, family members, and consumers to better understand difficulties with impulsivity, aggression, and legal involvement in relation to borderline personality disorder from various perspectives.
Course Objectives
This conference will provide a forum for professionals, family members, and consumers to better understand difficulties with impulsivity, aggression, and legal involvement in relation to borderline personality disorder from various perspectives. Attendees will be expected to:
- Become familiar with the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) diagnostic criteria and its associations with impulsivity, aggression, and legal involvement.
- Understand how hostility, impulsivity, and other social processes are associated with BPD and how these relate to differential outcomes.
- Be able to describe brain differences associated with impulsive aggression in BPD.
- Appreciate the challenges of struggling with impulsivity based on first hand consumer and family member accounts.
- Understand the ecological perspective of impulsivity and aggression, and assess the usefulness of psychopharmacological management.
- Describe psychopharmacological options for treating impulsivity and aggression in BPD.
- Become acquainted with an empirically supported program for family members of individuals with BPD.
- Describe the clinical needs and potential benefits of a DBT programs in correctional settings.
- Identify the practical characteristics of the START NOW skills training program for correctional settings.
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