FC Alumni Institute Videos
FC Alumni Institute – Advanced Skills Review
FC Alumni Institute – Beyond FC

Learn Effective Strategies for Parenting Young Adults Discussing DBT & SPACE with Amy & Andrea - Download Handouts

Spirituality Religiosity and Meaning-Making in Personality Disorder Treatment and Recovery - March 25, 2024

Practicing Radical Acceptance Grief - Part Two Take Two - Dr. Sarah Immerman and Dr. Molly Ruiz - May 22 2024

How to Best Support Students with Mental Health Challenges - Oct 2023
Presenter: Michelle Hoffman, LMFT

FCAI - Beyond FC - Polarizing and Depolarizing in Family Relationships - July 2021
Presenter: Dr. Alan Fruzzetti

FCAI - Beyond FC - Understanding Self Injury - September 2022
Presenter: Michael Hollander, PhD
It can be both terrifying and perplexing to have a loved one who engages in self-injury. Terrifying because suicide may or may not play a role, and perplexing because self-harming is antithetical to our nature as humans to avoid pain at all costs.
It can be both terrifying and perplexing to have a loved one who engages in self-injury. Terrifying because suicide may or may not play a role, and perplexing because self-harming is antithetical to our nature as humans to avoid pain at all costs.

FCAI - Beyond FC - Exploring the Myths & Benefits of DBT - May 2022
Presenters: Blaise Aguirre, MD and Gillian Galen, PsyD
Skills taught in Family Connections™ are based on dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). They have improved the lives of thousands around the world that are currently in relationships with someone who struggles with BPD or emotion dysregulation. Learn what's needed to be a more skillful version of yourself to your life and to the relationships you care about.
Skills taught in Family Connections™ are based on dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). They have improved the lives of thousands around the world that are currently in relationships with someone who struggles with BPD or emotion dysregulation. Learn what's needed to be a more skillful version of yourself to your life and to the relationships you care about.

FCAI - Beyond FC - The Art of The Repair - January 2022
Presenter: Dr. Lucy Payne
As a follow-up to the webinar “Skills? Not Today.”, Dr. Lucy Payne presents the Art of the Repair. You'll learn some tools and tips for when you haven't been your most skillful self, or for those moments when you know you are on the road to conflict and need to slow things down. Includes a repair roleplay!
As a follow-up to the webinar “Skills? Not Today.”, Dr. Lucy Payne presents the Art of the Repair. You'll learn some tools and tips for when you haven't been your most skillful self, or for those moments when you know you are on the road to conflict and need to slow things down. Includes a repair roleplay!

FCAI - Beyond FC - Skills? Not today. - November 2021
Presenter: Dr. Lucy Payne
We've all had them. Times we needed to choose. To use skills or decide... Nope. Not today. What happened? What got in the way? Dr. Lucy Payne explores common, real-life cases of "too tired to try" and "this time I want to be right... not effective!"
We've all had them. Times we needed to choose. To use skills or decide... Nope. Not today. What happened? What got in the way? Dr. Lucy Payne explores common, real-life cases of "too tired to try" and "this time I want to be right... not effective!"
FC Alumni Institute – Ask the FC Experts

FCAI - Ask the FC Experts - New Year New Limits - January 2023
Presenters: Karen Ervin and Marie Fignar
Starting a new year often stimulates reflection and goal setting. It isn't any different for us family members of someone with BPD. Join us and ask our FC Expert Leaders for FC skills and personal helpful tips on how to set some new limits with our people challenged by emotional dysregulation.

FCAI - Ask the FC Experts - 'Tis The Season To Be Skillful - November 2022
Presenters: Panelists of Family Connections and Experts
Social and family gatherings can be stressful for our people who struggle with chronic emotional dysregulation. The avoidant behaviors, disruptions, outbursts, withdrawals can be stressful for us as well. Join us and ask our FC Expert Leaders for FC skills and personal helpful tips on how to get through the next few weeks of the holiday season!
FC Alumni Institute – Live a Skillful Life

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - More Validation Skills - October 2022
Presenter: Chaim Goldberg and Michelle Richter
So you’ve learned about validation in theory, and seen some success in your interactions with your person, but are you using validation to its fullest potential? What exactly is validation, and why does it work? How do I validate someone who is saying things that aren’t true, that go against my values or hurt me? Tune in to find out.
So you’ve learned about validation in theory, and seen some success in your interactions with your person, but are you using validation to its fullest potential? What exactly is validation, and why does it work? How do I validate someone who is saying things that aren’t true, that go against my values or hurt me? Tune in to find out.

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - Encore In Depth - Using the D.E.A.R.M.A.N. Skill - April 2022
Presenter: Kelly Guynes, LCSW-S

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - Mindfulness - March 2022
Presenter: Eric
Mindfulness is the core skill which all of the other FC Skills flow out of. We can respond more skillfully and effectively if we're aware of what's happening in ourselves and the situation.
Mindfulness is the core skill which all of the other FC Skills flow out of. We can respond more skillfully and effectively if we're aware of what's happening in ourselves and the situation.

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - Self Care - February 2022
Presenter: Tina Moore
Being in a relationship with a person who struggles to regulate their emotions can be tough. To keep the peace, we may do things we normally wouldn't do... and then feel resentment. Sometimes, we focus on their life and neglect to live our own. Let's explore what's getting in the way of our own self-care and reclaim our personal oxygen mask!
Being in a relationship with a person who struggles to regulate their emotions can be tough. To keep the peace, we may do things we normally wouldn't do... and then feel resentment. Sometimes, we focus on their life and neglect to live our own. Let's explore what's getting in the way of our own self-care and reclaim our personal oxygen mask!

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - Opposite Action - A Life Hack for Hard Times - January 2022
Presenter: Marie-Paule de Valdivia, LCSW, MBA
The majority of DBT skills are about reaching long-term goals, and surprisingly few are about feeling better at the moment. Acting opposite to a painful emotion is an awesome skill to help feel more grounded in short order. This webinar explores how to add opposite actions to your individual toolbox.
The majority of DBT skills are about reaching long-term goals, and surprisingly few are about feeling better at the moment. Acting opposite to a painful emotion is an awesome skill to help feel more grounded in short order. This webinar explores how to add opposite actions to your individual toolbox.

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - In Depth - Using the D.E.A.R.M.A.N. Skill - December 2021
Presenter: Kelly Guynes, LCSW-S
Increase your knowledge and use of the interpersonal effectiveness skill, DEAR MAN, to better reach life and relationship objectives! This webinar includes many examples of common situations and practical guidance!
Increase your knowledge and use of the interpersonal effectiveness skill, DEAR MAN, to better reach life and relationship objectives! This webinar includes many examples of common situations and practical guidance!

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - Validation - Am I Doing It Right? - November 2021
Presenters: Doreen Dawson & Tina Moore, FC Leaders
Validating another person can be a challenge. (Especially if they are experiencing high emotions!) We know firsthand that this super power can bring down an emotional temperature in an instant. However, it takes practice, patience, and perseverance. This 1-hour webinar includes four validation roleplays that demonstrate this important skill!
Validating another person can be a challenge. (Especially if they are experiencing high emotions!) We know firsthand that this super power can bring down an emotional temperature in an instant. However, it takes practice, patience, and perseverance. This 1-hour webinar includes four validation roleplays that demonstrate this important skill!

FCAI - Live a Skillful Life - Nurturing Wisdom - The Core DBT Skill of Wise Mind - October 2021
Presenter: Marie-Paule de Valdivia, LCSW, MBA
How and why do we make the choices we make? In order to reach our long term goals, in order to live our best life, we must hone the ability to reflect and choose to act from a centered state of uniquely personal wisdom. Yet often our emotions direct us one way, and our logic another. We notice this when we find ourselves acting repeatedly in a way that we know is not effective. How can we change course? In DBT, we refer to three states of mind: emotion mind, rational mind and wise mind. How can we detect emotion mind? Identify rational mind? Build on both to get to a centered decision that feels solid, coherent? And model the ability to engage wise mind for our loved ones? This webinar answers these questions and illuminates how to "walk the middle path" towards our own "life worth living" goals.
How and why do we make the choices we make? In order to reach our long term goals, in order to live our best life, we must hone the ability to reflect and choose to act from a centered state of uniquely personal wisdom. Yet often our emotions direct us one way, and our logic another. We notice this when we find ourselves acting repeatedly in a way that we know is not effective. How can we change course? In DBT, we refer to three states of mind: emotion mind, rational mind and wise mind. How can we detect emotion mind? Identify rational mind? Build on both to get to a centered decision that feels solid, coherent? And model the ability to engage wise mind for our loved ones? This webinar answers these questions and illuminates how to "walk the middle path" towards our own "life worth living" goals.