Today I am simply passing on a recommendation from families to other families. Especially for the many family members who are waiting for an opening in NEA’s Family Connections class or a TeleConnections class, we are posting this as class leaders often hear about it in very positive terms from families currently taking the classes. Feel free to let us know what you think, in the comments below, for others to read.


“More than many other disorders, BPD affects relationships. This book offers families and friends invaluable skills for helping both their loved one and themselves. Dr. Manning has done a beautiful job. A ‘must read.'”–Perry D. Hoffman, PhD, President, National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
“Try out the recommendations this book gives you. You will be surprised by how much better your relationships become.”–from the Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, Director, Behavioral Research and Training Clinics, University of Washington
“The title says it all! Dr. Manning explains what she has learned about the true nature of BPD from the experts themselves–those who have the disorder. She shows family and friends how our instinctive responses to the crises associated with BPD are frequently ineffective or even harmful, and illuminates what we can do differently, providing practical, incisive, step-by-step guidance. We highly recommend this book.”–Jim and Diane Hall, parents of an adult child with BPD and Family Educators for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder

“An extremely useful and highly readable guide….Manning paints vivid portraits of how an encounter with someone with this affliction might go….It has offered me, as a therapist, plenty of ideas….[An] aid to understanding and humanizing a complex condition.”–Human Givens

(Human Givens 20110701)

“This hopeful yet realistic book is an indispensable tool for managing relationships with persons who have borderline personality disorder. Research based, clearly written, and practical, this guide to a complex disorder is highly recommended.”–Library Journal

(Library Journal 20110701)
