The Me I See on Screen
As a kid, struggling to authentically connect with people and the world around me, I took refuge in the characters on my TV screen. I joined the universe I was meant to be a mere observer of and was able to feel whole and completely present for a time in my otherwise...

Co-Occurring BPD & C-PTSD
Warning: This article discusses specific abusive behaviors which could be disturbing for certain audiences. I am diagnosed with BPD, as well as complex post-traumatic stress disorder (c-PTSD), the latter of which is connected to experiencing trauma regularly...

Surviving Suicidality
Warning: The following contains mentions of suicide and suicidal ideation that may be upsetting to some readers. Sufferers of borderline personality disorder (BPD) have the highest suicide rate of any demographic. Unfortunately, 1 in 10 people with this condition die...

I Have Darker Days
Warning: The following contains mentions of suicidal thoughts that may be triggering to some audiences. I originally titled this post the first thing that popped into my head, “I’ve Had Darker Days.” It was something catchy I’ve heard before, a placeholder...

BTS (Back to School)
I recently had a friend of mine from a queer autistic support group ask me for advice on starting graduate school. I felt the takeaways from our conversation might be relevant to folks here. This is me elaborating on a few things I’d said: 1. As neurodivergent* human...

Prospection and Transition
I just got engaged and graduated from school. I’m about to move and start a new job. These are good things. Why are they so hard? First of all, transitions are difficult because they are laborious. You have to find a new way of doing things that works for you. I have...

The Way From Inside to Not-Quite-Out
I have never felt more at risk than during the first few hours, days, and weeks, after a stay in inpatient lockdown. As an autistic person with BPD, all transitions are hard. I’m talking,...

BPD: Life with an Invisible Disability
The following contains mention of sensitive subjects such as difficult nightmares and thoughts of suicide that may be triggering to some audiences. In the 45 years I’ve been seeking help for my mental health conditions of depression, anxiety, borderline personality...

The White Stripe
“Saadia’s poor response to stress and difficulty managing her emotions frequently will impact her ability to remain focused on her academics and cause her to fall behind..." This excerpt from my individualized education plan (IEP) described my level of performance as...

Silver Lining
I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) at the age of 36, while participating in a partial hospitalization program at a psych hospital. I had never heard of BPD before I was diagnosed. But once I knew what it was, suddenly my life and what I'd been...
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