True To Me

True To Me

  I had my first crush on a boy that I met in preschool. I was fixated on that kid until middle school, when the pool of candidates widened dramatically and I found another boy to fill my daydreams. Middle school was also where I was first introduced to the idea...

BPD and Asexuality

BPD and Asexuality

Happy Pride Month! In June, we take extra care to celebrate those of us who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I am here to share a piece of my story that I hope will leave some readers feeling a little more seen than ever before. I’ll be inviting you into...

Drunk Goggles

Drunk Goggles

Warning: The following contains mentions of alcohol that may be triggering to some audiences. When I took drivers’ ed, we passed around a pair of “drunk goggles” that supposedly simulated the effect of alcohol on perception. The blurry, kaleidoscope-y visual sent a...
