Spread the word…NEABPD will be celebrating persons in recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder throughout the month of October through their #BeyondBPDStigma social media campaign.
—This anti-stigma campaign will be conducted through Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. People in recovery from BPD will be encouraged to talk about ways that they are empowering and advocating for themselves through text, photographs, and videos. Participants will be asked to use the hashtags #BeyondBPDStigma, #BeyondBPD, and #Imhelpingmyself. Peer advocate and family member Carl Dunn (@CarlDunnJr) and Amanda Smith, LMSW (@dialecticallife) will lead the campaign designed to bring awareness to the issues facing those affected by Borderline Personality Disorder. “This is an overdue effort,” said NEABPD president, Perry Hoffman, PhD. “It’s a positive message of hope, encouraging people to take charge of their recovery and support others in doing so as well.” To launch the campaign, an #BPDChat will take place on Twitter this Sunday afternoon, September 28, at 4:00 pm (EST) and 9:00 pm (BST). For more information, please email Carl Dunn at dunncarljr@gmail.com or Amanda Smith at amanda@mydialecticallife.com.————————–
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