Emotional Dysregulation – Is This You or Someone You Know?

Do you recognize these symptoms in your loved one or in yourself? For more information on the symptoms of BPD we have developed a detailed BPD Brief for downloading.  https://dev.borderlinepersonalitydisorder.org/understading-bpd/a-bpd-brief/     Diagnosis, Origins,...

What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Four Families Tell Us

How did Borderline Personality Disorder affect these four families? Four families affected by BPD talk about very difficult moments in their lives. they share their stories in the hope that other families in similar circumstances might benefit. We are extremely...

Let’s talk Radical Acceptance

I saw this on Tara Bloch’s blog, and it embodies the spirit of mindfulness and radical acceptance. She says: “…some years ago, right before our winter meditation retreat, my body crashed. I landed in the hospital, unable to teach, or for that matter...