Dr. Robin Kissell Director of the BPD Initiatve at UCLA began the conference by discussing cutting edge research being conducted to diagnose BPD in younger populations. Previously a BPD diagnosis was reserved for adults. BPD diagnosis and treatment in the lives of...
At a conference we held in Atlanta some months back Perry Hoffman, PhD and President of NEABPD presented to an audience of professionals and family members why in fact, family does matter. Kevin Dawkins of bpdvideo.com presented the result of a study we conducted on...
Dr. Blaise Aguirre, MD Assistant Professor of psychiatry at Harvard medical school and Medical Director 3East DBT Program, McLean Hospital spoke at our LA Conference and presented severl very important reasons that clinicians should not be reticent to give a BPD...
Dr. Blaise Aguirre, MD Assistant Professor of psychiatry at Harvard medical school and Medical Director 3East DBT Program, McLean Hospital spoke at our LA Conference today and presented some very important aspects of Stigma. His presentation, Stigma in the...
The sigma attached to BPD is a battle we must fight… but how? BPD Aware, a blog devoted to just that, allows those with BPD to share their stories. Getting personal experiences with correct information about the disorder out in the open helps to shed light on...
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